Monday, January 17, 2011

Cookies & Science Fairs

We had a great week in Room 148 last week. Mrs. Soles taught the children about Functional Writing and instructed them on how to make an Over the Rainbow Cloud cookie. The students were then supposed to write their own functional writing on the cookie. When they finished their writing, they switched with a friend and we passed out the ingredients for the delicious treats! Following their classmate's directions, they made the cookies. Some cookies turned out perfectly and some did not... But everyone got to enjoy a delicious snack after lunch!

In Science, we have been working on our Science Project with Mrs. Olecki. We finished it on Thursday and our project is on display outside of our classroom (stop by and check it out!) The title of our project is "Do plants really need water?" Our hypothesis was that they didn't really need water but that they just needed liquid. We tested this hypothesis by "feeding" four plants liquids other than water and "feeding" one plant water. The outcome was that fruit punch Gatorade makes plants grow the fastest. We learned a lot of cool stuff! We are also studying gases in Science. We did a neat experiment with balloons and water bottles. Be sure to ask your child about it!

We also had a test on two digit addition with regrouping last week. Mrs. Olecki graded our tests and sent them home on Friday. Please sign them and return them so your child can make a visit to the golden treasure box on Tuesdsay!

Hope you're enjoying your long weekend! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Holiday Party 2010

Hello parents! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. Our class has been very busy since we came back to school last Monday. We are busy working on functional writing, reading comprehension, two-digit addition with regrouping, and preparing our science fair project! It is a very exciting time in room 148! Here are a few pictures from our holiday party. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time and/or contributed items to help make our holiday party great!!

Mrs. Soles and Mrs. Olecki