Sunday, September 25, 2011

Open House

Open House was a huge success! It was great to meet some of you for the first time and was good to see some of you again since we had already met at the beginning of the year orientation. I hope I answered all of your questions. I have already had several conferences with the students along with their parents. My goal is to have a conference with each parent once during each 9 week period so that you will stay informed about your child's progress in school. Remember that Progress Reports will be sent home September 26th. Please sign them and return them as quickly as possible so that I know that you received them. If you need a conference and have not signed up for one yet, please let me know what day and time is convenient for you. By the way, I still have not completed my beginning of the year diagnostic testing for Reading. As I complete the DRA's and FAIR test on your child I will be sending home reports letting you know what level they are reading on and some other information about their reading level. We started RTI (remediation) this past Monday morning. Students are being given differentiated work for their level to work on. Some are working with skills cards, some at computers, some are independently reading, some are revising and editing their writing, some are working on math facts, some on comprehension, and a few each day that need a little more guidance are working with me at my table.

Once again, it was great to see you at Open House. I have a great group of students this year with a great group of parents! Together Everyone Achieves More!!

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