Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy Week

Wow! What a wonderful and exciting week we have had in our classroom!
In Science we investigated 3 different types of soil by comparing and contrasting them. We now know which is the best soil to plant our seeds in next week. Ask your child which soil is the best and how they know why.
In Social Studies, Mrs. Cataldo, our pre-intern from UNF, taught us about maps. We now have a world map hanging in our classroom. Ask your child what a compass rose is and what they would use it for.
In Reading we have been comparing and contrasting stories and characters. Monday we read a story about Henry and Mudge going on a camp out in our reading text book. Wednesday we read another camping book, "Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite", by Diane DeGroat. We all sat in a circle on a blanket under the dark, night sky around a crackling campfire while we ate our s'mores. Mrs. Soles had to read the book with a flashlight!

In Math we have had a blast grabbing a hand full of coins and learning how to count them. We know to put the coins in order from the largest value to the smallest and then to count on. Next week we will start with paper money.
In Writing we are finishing up our realistic fictional narratives and will be polishing them for publication next week. We will be bringing them home for you to read soon.
Our RTI time is going great every morning from 8:45-9:15. Some of the students get to work on some more challenging activities, some of the students work on reviewing concepts that have been previously taught, while some students get remediation of the same concepts.
Our Family Literacy Night was awesome! I saw several of the students there with their families. Next week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week, which is the traditional "Say No to Drugs" week. The children are taught how to have a healthy life style.

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