Sunday, September 1, 2013

Well, we are off to a great start to our new 2013-2014 school year! Before Mrs. Reese left for a new school, she asked me to move from teaching 2nd grade back to teaching Kindergarten. I haven't taught Kindergarten in 7 years, but it was my first true love of teaching. So back to Kinder I am!! I had previously taught Kindergarten for 26 years, and I am looking forward to teaching all of my new students to have a love for school and learning.
We have only been in school for 10 days and I can already see the progress going on as the students soak up the skills that are being taught to them through fun and exciting ways; such as songs, short video clips, computers, books, charts, pictures, and animation. Stop by the office, get a visitor's pass, and step into the classroom for a peek any time that you like. I always welcome parents into their child's classroom.
Open House will be Thursday evening, September 5 at 6:00 pm. I will have a sign up sheet if you would like to volunteer to help out in the classroom or in the cafeteria during our lunch time.
I would like to start posting photos of the students and the classroom on this blog. Please let me know if you object to your child's face being posted. You can look through my previous years blogs to see how I use the photos.
I am looking forward to having a fun and exciting year with your child and with you as their parent or guardian.
In love with teaching!
Mrs. Denise Soles

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