Monday, November 11, 2013

Buddy Sharing their Reader's Response Journals

The other day we were working in our Reader's Response Journals. We had talked about how to create Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast two different stories. I had the students buddy up with a partner to discuss the similarities and differences in the two books that we read that week, "My Lucky Day" and "The Wolf's Chicken Stew". They cut out a Venn diagram and glued it in their journals. Then they cut out a picture of each of the books and glued them on each side of the Venn Diagram. They held the journal in their hands as they discussed the books. They were so serious and intent on doing this assignment that I just had to take pictures and share! Enjoy!

Can you believe they are in Kindergarten?  They are so smart!! Please stop by anytime you like to take a look at their Reader's Journals. They are AWESOME!!

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