Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wow, what a busy week!

We started our RTI (Response to Intervention) groups this week. We have small groups of students learning every where! Some kids are going to the cafeteria to meet with Mrs. Salter, some kids go upstairs to meet with Mrs. Taylor or Mrs. Palisco, some kids meet on the carpet to meet with Mrs. Lynn and some kids meet at the table with Mrs. Soles. We are meeting every morning for 30 minutes for extra intensive instruction. We have lots of good remediation going on. :)
In our classroom this week we started a new genre in writing. We are learning how to write Narrative stories. This first story will be fiction. We have finished mapping out our characters, setting, the problem, the solution, and the events leading up to the solution. We did all of our brainstorming on our "cupcake"! :) Next week we will "jazz up" these elements before we start our sloppy copies.
In reading we are learning how to use all sorts of strategies and tools to help us become better readers. We now know how to use our Oreo, Ice Cream, and 4 Square GO maps. This week we made predictions before, during and after reading our stories using our Prediction Wheels. Ask me about all of these tools and I will tell you about them.
Last week in Math, Mrs. Lynn taught us how easy adding big numbers are if we learn our double facts, like 2 +2=4, 3+3=6, 4+4=8, and so on. We even made flash cards at home to help us memorize these facts. This week we learned how easy it is to add strings of numbers. We will be working more on this next week and will start working on subtraction problems.
We had so much fun investigating soil this week in Science. We explored and studied the difference between three different types of soil. Next week we we will learn what worms do to our garden soil!       

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