Sunday, October 3, 2010

We've Got Worms!

In Writing we have now completed our story maps with our main characters, setting, problem, solution, and at least 3 events to help our characters solve their problem. This week we will learn how to write an "engaging lead" that will GRAB our reader and make him want to read our story.
In our Skills Block time, we have now learned the difference between synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Thank you to Mrs. Pappas for making our card games for us to use during our center time or RTI time.

The worms have arrived in our classroom! Our Science Investigation is to see if the worms make a difference in the soil that they are in. Mr. Soles dug up some soil from his backyard and then bought us some worms from Walmart. One bag of soil has about 7 worms in it and the other bag has none. Here is the first picture of the bags. We will take pictures and make observations for 3 weeks. While we are observing our worms, we will start investigating seeds and see which soil is best to grow bean plants. We love Science with Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Soles!

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