Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Zoo Field Trip Was Awesome!

What a good time we had on our field trip to the zoo!   
First we went to the Educational Center where we learned about mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Then we were off to explore the zoo. We met back at the pavilion for our lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs and PBJ's. Then out to see any of the animals that we missed seeing the first time.
It was really cool because the zoo was decorated with jack-o-lanterns for the Halloween Spooktacular that is at the zoo.
We had a lot of chaperons with us so we just explored in small groups.
We were easy to spot in our lime green t-shirts.
Then it was time to load the bus and go back to school. Some of us fell asleep on the way back. Mrs. Soles took lots of pictures that she is going to put into a slide show on our 2nd grade website. Check it out soon to see all of the "animals"! :)

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