Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Zoo Field Trip Was Awesome!

What a good time we had on our field trip to the zoo!   
First we went to the Educational Center where we learned about mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Then we were off to explore the zoo. We met back at the pavilion for our lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs and PBJ's. Then out to see any of the animals that we missed seeing the first time.
It was really cool because the zoo was decorated with jack-o-lanterns for the Halloween Spooktacular that is at the zoo.
We had a lot of chaperons with us so we just explored in small groups.
We were easy to spot in our lime green t-shirts.
Then it was time to load the bus and go back to school. Some of us fell asleep on the way back. Mrs. Soles took lots of pictures that she is going to put into a slide show on our 2nd grade website. Check it out soon to see all of the "animals"! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Parade of the Arts

Last Tuesday we had a Parade of the Arts. We went to 6 different rooms to learn about 6 different types of art. 
First, we went to the library and listened to a real author tell us how we could become authors.
Then, we went to the airnasium and danced with a jazz dancer.
Next, we went to the news room and Mrs. Carpenter told us how we could make a video. Next, we went to the music suite and played the drums with Mr. Nettles.

Then we went to a hallway and listened to Mrs. Fulp tell us how to take beautiful pictures. Last, we went to the art room and saw a real artist drawing a picture. His store is at the Landing and he said that we could come and visit him there! Some of us decided that we want to try to be an artist and enter in the competition.  Mrs. Soles and Mrs. Lynn are very proud that we want to enter the contest. We'll let you know how we do!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We've Got Worms!

In Writing we have now completed our story maps with our main characters, setting, problem, solution, and at least 3 events to help our characters solve their problem. This week we will learn how to write an "engaging lead" that will GRAB our reader and make him want to read our story.
In our Skills Block time, we have now learned the difference between synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Thank you to Mrs. Pappas for making our card games for us to use during our center time or RTI time.

The worms have arrived in our classroom! Our Science Investigation is to see if the worms make a difference in the soil that they are in. Mr. Soles dug up some soil from his backyard and then bought us some worms from Walmart. One bag of soil has about 7 worms in it and the other bag has none. Here is the first picture of the bags. We will take pictures and make observations for 3 weeks. While we are observing our worms, we will start investigating seeds and see which soil is best to grow bean plants. We love Science with Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Soles!